Hey Experts, a big release coming at you today. Lots of exciting stuff in this one. Maybe there’s a coded message about where to find buried treasure, who knows? Biggest news first: Written Session Summaries!
Session Summaries 1.1 - Written Summaries!
  • Now in the platform: The ability to give your students written/text summaries after each session
  • As mentioned in early announcements, even though we love your faces, we are no longer supporting video session summaries on the platform
  • You will now be able to give a written or audio (unchanged) summary within the Metafy platform
  • When performing a text written summary, simply highlight the text to format your response with rich text functionality (bold, underline, italicized, hyperlinking, unordered bullets, and order bullets)
  • We now expose the Session Summary as soon as the session itself starts on your dashboard so you can starting writing a summary in real time
  • We save your session summary progress so you can come back and submit it at a later time when life gets busy
Expert Profile & Session Detail Refresh
  • Updated: Visual UI and layout visual refresh for expert profiles and session detail pages
  • New: Student profiles will be visible for experts who have been booked to have all information about the student in one place
  • The real buried treasure is in your heart
  • New: Expert profiles now have a ‘Ongoing’ tab which will show details related to purchases or summaries about the student who is logged in
  • New: Ability to add a reason why a student is vouching for an expert
Library Refresh
  • New design, following on from 3.0 styling and branding
  • Removed the ‘Tags’ system which are being removed to avoid tech debt
  • Added/updated new ‘Drafts’ tab, which will automatically generate a draft replay review when you create one from the Uploads tab so a student can easily create them
  • Ability to multi-select and delete videos as well as drafts
Fixes and Improvements
  • New: Pulse Clan team landing page, for any of your Rocket League students!
  • Updated: Messaging in email to students who vouched for an accepted Expert
  • Updated: Added terms of service to logged in experience for users as well, both on the expert and student side. They are linked under the ? in the top nav bar
  • Updated: The ‘Connect Discord’ is now full screen and matches the flow redesign
  • Fix: Links in FAQ section on the Home Page are more responsive now and function properly on different screen sizes
  • Fix: YouTube ‘Replay Review’ video now shows in front of navigation menu rather than behind it
  • Fix: Image border radius styling on Expert profile. We gave the mobile browser border radius a little room to flex for size difference so the images cards look more similar to that on desktop
  • Fix: Dashboard Remove replay review from 'Up next' in dashboard
  • Fix: Student should no longer be able to re-submit videos/cancel/reschedule once Expert accepts a Replay Review through the dashboard
  • Fix: Expert Reschedule acceptance is no longer showing for student in Dashboard
  • Fix: Pending reschedule waiting for acceptance is now showing for Experts
  • Fix: The ‘Student Stats’ on Expert > Manage, should no longer go into negative numbers
  • Fix: Wallet page button overlapping is now fixed
  • Fix: Clicking on a Replay Review comment now goes to the correct timestamp in the video
  • Fix: After login or create account you will remain on the page you were already on rather than being directed to the home or dashboard